>I woke up today feeling pretty happy about things. I got my wheels changed on my car so I can drive this winter, I got “Sunshine” on Blueray, I saw plenty of nice women on my way to work and work has gone on pretty well. I was pretty happy. Then someone that remembered my little update a few weeks ago about “no is not always a no, sometimes it means ‘try harder'” and that rape-trial that was going on. Anyway, she pointed me to a new website produced by “Operation Kvinnofrid” that was designed to talk about this kind of thing. The site is called “okejsex.nu” and at first I really liked it. And I was just looking for the “and this is for you girls – don’t say no when you don’t really mean it” part. And there was nothing! The entire site just has one messages – rapists are just guys not knowing where the line is drawn. There is this whole section about mutual respect and all that. The thing is if I lived by what that website is promoting (and come to think of it, I think I do…) I wouldn’t be getting any sex ever at all. I got pretty pissed at it cause noway at all does it even suggest that girls saying no while meaning try harder is even an issue or that it even exists. So very biased. Oh well, atleast I got my cookies!

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