The Internet Is A Scary Place

The other day I got to talking with one of our senior partners at the lawfirm about some case he was working on and what a big mess it was with this company that had been bought up and merged with some other company and split it by the EU and stuff, it was a big mess. So I told him to “just google it, you’d be surprised” but he didn’t really believe me so he asked if I could do it. So I got 3 things to look up on the internet, information about 2 different companies and try to find if they had anything to do with each other and the third was to find info about some guy that was involved. After about 3 hours of searching around I had complete background info of both companies and how they were related (which unfortunately for them they were!) and a pretty good biography of that dude, including his wife’s age and maiden name.
It’s scary what you can achieve with all the public search engines and archives on the internet. And it also got me to think just how much information someone could put together about me an dmy family only using this website… let’s hope noone ever has a reason to do that!

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