Still A Sucker For Tradition

A while back I made an update that I’m a sucker for tradition. And today I’m proving that yet again – if I were to call anyone up and say “happy birthday” out of the blue they would be completely shocked and wonder what tha hell was wrong with me. I just don’t do it. I either forget it or it’s not a big deal or that person don’t wanna be reminded of it, or I do think about it but before I actually make it happen something else comes up.
Well today is my sister’s 24th birthday (ok, not really 24th but let’s play ‘pretend’!) and I totally know it, I’ve had plenty of time to call her, hell I’ve even talked to her this morning, but it’s just not me. It’s almost a tradition by now. Which is a weird tradition to NOT do something. But weird is good…

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