Boldly Going Baldl

One of the few things I like about kids is that they lack this filter that grownup have that makes us unable to just say the cold simple truth about things. And this week one of my nieces showed that by spontaneously stating “you’re losing your hair!”. That was a funny moment 🙂

I’ve known that fact for the past year or so that it’s gettig a bit barren up there but thought that I was exaggerating a bit but when she laid it out like I guess I’m not! And it’s with mixed feelings really. The positives is ofc that I won’t have anymore bad hair days, I won’t have to get that many haircuts, I’ll save money on hair products, I’ll cut off another 3-4 minutes in my morning routine to sleep a little bit longer and I hope to do it Patrick Stewart / Bruce Willis / Michael Chiklis style. And the only one negative thing I can come up with is… it’s another reason for chicks to pick the other guy than me. And I’m sorry for sounding so shallow but that’s the single’s life for you…

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