Manage External Sharing in SharePoint Online

You’re managing a SharePoint Online environment and you want to know where external sharing is enabled.

The problem is that Microsoft hasn’t fully launched a way of getting a good overview of this where you can change it. When you first enable sharing for example alot of sites will have it turned on by default etc. The new SharePoint Admin center has the ability to add the “external sharing on/off” column in the list of sites but that is very limited and you can’t enable or disabled it.

Fortunately there is a very good attribute that you can retrive to get this and alter the external sharing setting called “SharingCapability”.
So using that you can get a list of all sites and what the status is of them, or you can filter for all that have it enabled or disabled:

get-sposite | select url, SharingCapability												# All sites with their URL and SharingCapability
get-sposite | Where-Object{$_.SharingCapability -eq "ExternalUserSharingOnly"}			# External user sharing (share by email) is enabled, but guest link sharing is disabled.
get-sposite | Where-Object{$_.SharingCapability -eq "ExistingExternalUserSharingOnly"}	# External user sharing to existing Azure AD Guest users
get-sposite | Where-Object{$_.SharingCapability -eq "ExternalUserAndGuestSharing"}		# External user sharing (share by email) and guest link sharing are both enabled
get-sposite | Where-Object{$_.SharingCapability -eq "Disabled"} 						# External user sharing disabled

Once you have that you can script it so you can disabled external sharing on all sites by doing this:

$allsites = get-sposite | Where-Object{$_.SharingCapability -ne "Disabled"}
foreach($specificsite in $allsites) { Set-SPOSite $specificsite.url -SharingCapability Disabled }

The reason you want to do this in a “foreach” is there will be a site or two you may get an error that you can’t change the setting, so that would exit the command on that error.

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