It’s Coming Together

On friday I had the day off from work and I spent it packing everything and transporting as much as I could to our house. But the real action didn’t start until saturday morning!

We went to rent a lorry to handle the big things like our bed. And apparently they don’t like it when you pay in cash! They get nervous that you’ll drive off with it! But I looked trustworthy enough for her to allow it anyway so off we went to Mio to pick up our really, really expensive (10.000 SEK!) diningroom table. Then back to the apartment to fill it up. Helenas mother dropped by and when my family arrived we loaded it up and went to the house and loaded everything off and sat down for a coffee. Then “the men” went off with they lorry to Sureguard to get all my things and then back to the apartment to pick up things that were going to the dump. Add a little time pressure and you have one serious, effective and not so fun Kris!
Then my brother Jocke went off to his girl while me and my dad went back to the house to join Helena, her mother and “uncle Leif”, my mother and sister who had put most of the furniture in order already. Then we had an awesome barbecue and after everything went home we spent the night cleaning up as good as we could and went to bed. Unfortunately it took quite a while for me to fall asleep and I had some nightmares so didn’t sleep very well at all.

But on sunday we went up and started our “list of things to do” but that went out the window when my friend Ricki said “I’ll be there in 30 minutes to hook up your home theater” which wasn’t really what we had expected but it worked out fine anyway. After a small tour of Ikea and Bauhaus we went home and got to work and after about 6 hours of work it was all good to go with “Wall-e” (as sound tests go, you can’t beat animated movies!). Eva dropped by too. And Helena did her thing cleaning out some areas and making sure we were well fed. I hate living up to gender stereotypes but we really did yesterday. Then we went back to the apartment to pick up the cats and boy were they glad to see us again. They still don’t know what to make of the house though…

After driving Ricki home I came home (!) at 23:00 and even though I had a gazillion things to do and wasn’t tired I went to bed and ended one of the busiest weekends of my life!

Now I’m back to work and piling up things to do at home but trying to focus on work. Not going to well to be perfectly honest.

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