I Wen’t To The Doctor And Guess What He Told Me

Kinda funny to use song lyrics as titles to my updates, makes them seem less negative. Anyway, I did actually go to a specialist in the field of allergies and eczema. He took one look at me, made his diagnosis and gave me prescription for all kinds of stuff like penecillin and anti-biotics and creams and said “take this stuff for 10 days and you’ll feel right as rain”. “But shouldn’t we try to figure out and diagnose what I’m allergic to rather than kill the symptoms?”… “nope, this is genetic, nothing we can do yet, we’ll kill it now and it’ll stay dead for a long time and get back to me when it’s bothering you again”. So that’s what I’m gonna start with this on monday since it’s a bad idea to take all this stuff when I’m in england. Did I not mention I’m going to england this weekend?… I am.
Another thing I plan to do this summer is trying to reach 95 kilos which I haven’t been down to for well over a decade. It’s alot easier to squeze in the time to do that in the summer since we work an hour less here. But mind you, I have no idea how much I’m wieghing now but I’d guess 110 again.

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