No More Cells On The Train

Interesting thing happened the other day as I was going home on the train. My cell phone rang and as usual I answer since I’m on call and have to answer. And as I’m explaining to this clueless lawyer how to install a new printer a guy comes up to me and asks me to hang up. Why? Becuase there’s a ban on cell phones on commuting trains now – apparently? I had no idea they did that, but I politely informed him that these things are in the same category as “give up your seat to an elderly so they don’t have to stand”, it’s more of a recommendation & courtesy than actually being illegal. He didn’t like that but couldn’t argue and left me alone. And the guy was sitting like 10 meters away from me so don’t know how me talking on the cell annoyed him…

But generally I agree – sitting next to someone who’s talking on the phone with their friend talking about stuff I have no interest what so ever about is damn annoying…

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