Do you remember Powell’s “Top 10 Reasons Why Invading Iraq is a Good Idea” speech he did at the UN Security Council two years ago or something? Wouldn’t it be totally cool of someone with enough balls and power at the UN to do a “Top 10 Reasons Why Invading USA is a Good Idea”? ‘Cause when going through it all 2 years after the fact it’s still bothers me. I’m gonna start my own little top 10 list now. But now that the entire war is done (more or less), the only valid reason they had was that Saddam was a bad guy. And really, how many countries in the world would sign up on a “Bush is a bad guy”-list? Enough to invade them I’m sure! I think it’s time for someone to step in, before the election, and give those americans a wake up call because it looks like it is gonna be close. And 4 more years with that guy and I’ll have no more respect for them. He was appointed once, never elected that we can blame on a clerical error or something lame, but if he’s actually elected… oh, dude….

Reason 1 : Iraq has WMD’s. Now we all know they didn’t. They had them 10 years ago but the only thing they found, according to Bush’s “State of the Union” speech quoting the Kay report, was “WMD related program activities” which is so vague that it may include chemistry lessons in grade school! Btw, Kay resigned just after Bush gave that speech because that’s not at all what it said. Now, the USA has the biggest WMD arsenal in the world and as Bush himself said in a speech on August 5th – “[Our enemies] never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”. Aside from it coming out totally wrong, it still says that USA still continues to develop WMD’s. And as soon as any other country in the world, like the current North Korea thing, try they are shut down by USA who seems to think they are the only country in the world who should have them.

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