So that wasn’t just a case of foodpoison I guess! This was the worst week, healthwise, of my life! I know guys tend to complain alot when their ill, I don’t. I just say “I’ll live, it’ll pass” and it always does. In 20 years I’ve never been admitted to a hospital (I think anyway). I had a trip to Africa planned right after I got back from Scotland. That’s really the best way to get away – Africa! Only place I’ve been able to go without a computer for 7 days without giving it a second though. Anyway, I still felt bad on sunday evening so I went to our local hospital in Huddinge. They did some tests and weight me in at 113 kg. That’s all the beer I drank in Scotland. Anyway, they thought I was fine so off I went. Before I even landed in Kinshasa (Congo) I felt worse and a nice nights sleep at the hotel didn’t help and the night between tuesday and wednesday was so bad I was really starting to wonder if I’d ever make it back home. Seriously! I mean being in Africa feeling worse than you can ever remember feeling before, that’s scary thing. And 40 degree fever will do things to your head. So I had to go to a hospital. And going to hospital in Congo is nothing you really joke about, is it? They took some blood and I passed out. Not because I can’t stand blood (I am a blood donor remember!), but because of my temporarily terrible blood preassure. Then they weighed me in at… 107 kg! 5 kgs in 4 days. OUCH! After the testing the doctor quickly stated I must have one bad infection somewhere (which turned out to be in my throat) and gave me a ton of pills (all in all I eat 13 pills per day now!) and sent me on my way.
And now it’s thursday and I’m starting to get back to normal. I’ve started eating again anyway. Funny how you can’t eat when you’re sick which makes you weaker and less able to fight off an infection which kinda makes you wanna eat even less and it just spirals down. And I look back at these past three days as a nightmare ’cause it was really really bad there for a while. Totally delerious and… well, sick. And this wasn’t really what I had in mind with my “let’s get away” thing, now I want nothing else then to go back home to my warm bed and mother’s home cooking!

Guess it’s true.. there’s no place like home.. or we could say “home is where the heart is” but enough clichés, I got 5 kilos to gain!

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