Just before I went on my first trip, the one to Guatemala, I wrote an update that never made it up here. And now it’s time to come clean with what I had written. In that update that never made it up I put all the blame for any eventual disaster in this project, be it screwing up bad enough that I got fired, an airplane crashing, me going on shopping sprees abroad or whatever, I reserved the possibility of blaming all the people that talked me into this for everything, since I didn’t want to do this at first. But with a statement like that, you have to reserve the possibility that it may be one of the best things that ever happened to you. In that case, that blame would do a 180 and turn into a thank you. And now, when all the bills are payed, all creditcards sorted out and all my luggage made it, I guess it’s time to honor that original statement by saying a big

to all those people that convinced me to do this. And also a little thank you to Anton, my old collegue that made me envious with all his travelling and made me realise that for being a person who likes travelling I really haven’t done that much of it.
‘Cause as it turns out, not only did all the good things I mentioned last sunday happen, but it also turned out to be a goldmine for my wallet! I did go on shopping sprees when I was travelling, but thanks to all bonuses and stuff my body has actually been able to cash those checks my ego was writing. And now I’m getting a $500 bonus on my salary for blowing the roof off my budget 🙂 Happy happy, joy joy 🙂

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