No april fools!

As usual, no update yesterday so nobody will confuse my life with an April fools… which it kinda is sometimes… Anyway, what’s on my mind? Commercials! Since I have a british mother, I’ve spent some time over there early in my life and one thing that really seperated the english TV from swedish is commercials!

We haven’t had TV commercials in sweden for that long, maybe about 15 years now. And I think it took them this long to learn how to do it nicely, in a funny way, so funny you’d want more and start visiting their website to learn what’s new… I’m ofcourse talking about Vasakronan who started a fake reality-show called “The Office”! “No space, no coffe, slow Internet connection, no smoke-section”, LOVING IT! A guy even voted out his own wife 🙂 They have a website here, Hilarious! Maybe there is hope! But I don’t know, all these bad detergent-soap-toathpaste commercials have left alot to make up for!

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