
Today I had a huge accident! The kind that makes you think about ever driving again. Go-karts that is. We had an event today with tons of customers and we were driving go-karts. I wasn’t doing too well so I decided to step on it a little bit more. Came up to pass a guy but he wouldn’t let me pass, even with blue flags. So in the corner area I bump into him, bounce into the 1 foot high track markers and I come flying off the track and landing on the side way out of bounce. Fortunately the guys running the place were professional enough so they handled everything and didn’t allow me to drive anymore which costs us the second place. Except for my ankle acting up again, my knees are hurting like hell and my knuckles aren’t in the best shape I’m fine. Could have been alot worse. The worst part is that I let the team down. We qualified second and held that until I was up and I totally screwed it up and we finished second to last. Damn sorry for that guys!!!


So I did it again. In my totally idiotic and makes-no-sense quest to come home a little bit faster I cut a corner a little bit too close and hit the sidewalk. Immediate puncture right there. Fortunately I had a spare and I drove by a tire shop on my way home that fixed the busted on right away. So $90 and 2 hours later I got home. So much for trying to come home faster. Why do we do that?! But like the other times – no one got hurt 🙂

Facts of Life

I’m really getting annoyed at that “Facts of Life” song that seems to be really popular on the radio. I dunno why… maybe because it’s pointless … or maybe it’s because it goes on about weird facts that my brain has a dedicated storage space for that exceeds the storage space one would like to have for usefull stuff… I prefered the sunscreen-song, that was hilarious and actually made sense!

Supersize Me

Saw “Supersize Me” during the weekend. Scary stuff. Kinda don’t wanna eat McDonalds after that, especially not after seeing the guy trying to eat his first supersize meal. But overall I think it was a very good movie that should make alot of people realise that we have a problem. And it’s spelled “lazyness”… also saw “Bourne Supremacy” which was suprisingly good. I don’t expect much out of sequels, but this one was just as good as the first one, maybe even better. Ask me again after I’ve seen it three times 🙂

Hungarian movies

Today I woke up to a swedish moviemaker and critic on the radio that really got me angry. He was so pretencious it goes behind words. He was the kind that would go to a hungarian film festival just because it’s a hungarian film festival! I don’t mind hungarian films, but you understand what I mean? He explained how he likes to get out of the theater inspired or emotionally effected by the movie he saw, but added, “sure, sometimes I can go and watch an american movie”! I’d agree that alot of the movies that come out of Hollywood are crap, but out of all the movies some are good, few great and once in a while amazing movies will pop up. I hate the kind of movie critic that has the default opinion that an american movie = crap, and Hungarian movies = not crap because they aren’t american! I’m atleast so open minded I can watch Hungarian movie and might even like it but this guys whole attitude just annoyed me. He also got a bunch of questions, like if he did a movie with sponsors and they wanted the products to be displayed in the movie, and the guy just said “NO!”… I used to be blue-eyed naiv like that but eventually had to realise the monetary forces where too strong to ignore.

September 11th

So, September 11th again huh? It’s impossible to think of this day as anything positive now after the brutal killing of Anna Lindh last year. Feel sorry for anyone that has this as their birthday, that’s gotta be tough.

Donating blood

When I went to bed last night I thought to myself “now that we’ve got so little to do at work, shouldn’t I donate some blood?”. I actually felt bad for not donating blood in a while. See, I’m the only one in my immediate family that is currently in such good health I actually can donate blood so it’s really more of an obligation I think. Not to mention it’s a good calorie burn! Then I realised they have this 3-months rule, and last time was … June 15th. So another week I guess. Woke up the very next morning and found a “it’s that time again!”-letter from the bloodbank. Terrible coincidence that I couldn’t ignore so first thing today I went up there. And even though my self esteem got a little boost, your ego takes a little beating when filling out the form you have to fill out every time. They have this little yes/no-box saying “in the past three months, have you had a new sexual partner?”. And no matter how much I wanna put down a yes, I really don’t think these are the kinda forms you wanna lie on…

Fahrenheit 9/11

Finally got a hold of “Fahrenheit 9/11”. Scary & funny stuff. Funny to see how Bush is trying oh so hard at press conferences and interviews but ending up saying stuff like “fool me once, shame on…[silent pause and a look of confusion only Bush can do]… you…”. Scary to see that the president of “the land of the free” can do stuff like that. It was all abit too much and sometimes very longshots trying to connect the Bush’s to saudi oil interests and all of that, but then it got really personal when interviewing soldiers in Iraq, and it got really heavy when interviewing the mother of a soldier who’ll never come home after fighting, what I’m sure history will call, the worst planned and executed war ever. Anyway, you should all go and see it and then wait in anticipating for the US of A to do the biggest mistake ever by re-electing this idiot. I really can’t see how it can be this close? I mean how many people do you hear being very very pro-Bush, saying that he’s been a great president, he hasn’t screwed up, the war was just and so on? I don’t hear any people saying that but that might be because I’m way over here in Sweden…

Olympic Games

Ok, so the olympics are over and done with. And all I have to say is… was that it? I remember a couple of years ago when stockholm was in the running for the summer olympics 2004 and it was this huge deal and tons of money was spent on promoting it. And we didn’t get it. Athens did, obviously. And it cost them millions of millions to arrange it, and even more millions for tv companies to buy the rights to bradcast and millions and millions… for what? 2 weeks of sports? I don’t get whats so important about the olympics? It just seems so overhyped, but that’s just me…