You’re managing a large O365 tenant and you want to make sure there are no users that have multiple licenses assigned.
The original problem is that you actually can assign a user with a F1, E1 and E3 license and end up paying three times for a user! Next problem comes with how license information is stored and retrieved with Powershell.
Here is little code that will read out all your users and go through each one to make sure they don’t have more than one of the licenses assigned. It should work as long as Microsoft doesn’t change the _actual_ names for licenses!
$allusers = Get-MsolUser -All foreach($msoluser in $allusers) { $userpn = $msoluser.userprincipalname $userlicense = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $userpn | select Licenses if($userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*ENTERPRISEPACK*" -and $userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*DESKLESSPACK*" -and $userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*STANDARDPACK*") { write-host -Foregroundcolor Red "$userpn has both E1 and E3 and F1" } elseif($userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*ENTERPRISEPACK*" -and $userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*STANDARDPACK*") { write-host -Foregroundcolor Yellow "$userpn has both E3 and E1" } elseif($userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*STANDARDPACK*" -and $userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*DESKLESSPACK*") { write-host -Foregroundcolor Yellow "$userpn has both E1 and F1" } elseif($userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*ENTERPRISEPACK*" -and $userlicense.Licenses.AccountSkuId -like "*DESKLESSPACK*") { write-host -Foregroundcolor Yellow "$userpn has both E3 and F1" } }
The script can ofcourse be enhanced to write a log or even mail a log to an admin if you want.
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