Check E-mail Addresses From File

You’re handed a list of e-mail address for mass mailing from HR and they need to verify that all e-mail addresses are valid and won’t bounce “like last time”.

There are a few problems with this. One is the fact that not all e-mail addresses are the primary e-mail address and won’t show up in a normal search.

I put this little script together that will first connect to your MS Online tenant, then read all MSOL users into an array, import the CSV file containing the employees, go through each row and check that the e-mail address from the file in the column “employeeemailaddress” exists as a proxy address on at least one user. If not it writes out the e-mail to a log in c:\temp. Nothing too advanced, just a few things put together to achieve a very, VERY tedious task when you get a list of 10.000 e-mail addresses!

This can also be modified to check if any other attribute exists or not on users if you want to, it was just for this scenario that I had to check e-mail addresses! It can also be modified to read out the local AD and not the Azure AD, ofcourse.

Please comment out the first two lines if you run this more than once in a Powershell window since the list of users is already in the variable and reading out all MSOLUsers can take a very long time!

$allusers = Get-MsolUser -All

#Prepping the logg
$DateStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"
$LogFile = ("C:\temp\invalid_emailaddresses-" + $DateStamp + ".log")
# Defining the log function
Function LogWrite
Param ([string]$logstring)
Add-content $Logfile -value $logstring

$csv = import-csv C:\temp\emailaddresses.csv
foreach($csvobject in $csv)
    $emailuser = ""
    $emailaddress = $csvobject.employeeemailaddress
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Looking up user with e-mail $emailaddress"
    $emailuser = $allusers | where {$_.proxyaddresses -like "*$emailaddress*"} | select DisplayName
        LogWrite ("Could not find user with e-mail address $emailaddress")
        write-host -ForegroundColor Red "Could not find user with e-mail address $emailaddress"
        write-host -ForegroundColor Green "User found, e-mail address is good"


I’m a huge fan of Luc Besson. Big fan! “Léon” is one of my favorite movies of all time! “Fifth Element” is right up there too. “Metro” is a classic, Nikita, Taxi, Big Blue, Transporter, Taken, Jean D’Arc, so many damn great movies! But he’s also done a few that I wasn’t a big fan of but can’t blame him for that 🙂

So when I saw the first trailer for “Valerian” I got really stoked! I mean really stoked. Like so stoked that I can’t even talk myself out of it, which I usually do because I hate going out of the movies disappointed.

I was not disappointed. It was awesome! I would like to give it all 5 elements but there were two things that put me off. 1) The translation to Sweden was bad. Yeah I know, I can’t hold Luc Besson responsible for that but I do hold the movie company responsible! Not that I need Swedish subtitles – but if you’re going to do it do it right, because this was terrible. 2) Dane DeHaan that plays the lead character didn’t feel right for the role. The character was supposed to have been in the military and seen stuff, like Korben Dallas in Fifth Element. Instead he looks and even acts like he’s the one that makes the other guys say “was I that young when I joined”! But apart from that – awesome! And yeah, SF Filmstaden Scandinavia delivers in VIP again!

What I was mostly impressed with was the CG and the visuals! They were absolutely amazing! It even got to the point were I didn’t know if it’s computer generated or if it was makeup or what was going on, I love that! Music was awesome, although missing that kick ass diva song!

So here’s hoping for more and judging by the amount of source material that shouldn’t be too hard 🙂

Get User With E-mail Address

You’re getting some error that a specific e-mail address can’t be or send mails. But you have no clue about which user/mailbox is the owner of this specific e-mail address

Most of the times this isn’t a problem, the Exchange Management Console or EOL Admin Center will do the trick. But sometimes it can be a bit tricky if the e-mail address is to say a public folder, which isn’t scoped in the search.

This quick little powershell will do the trick for you to find it:

Get-Recipient -resultSize unlimited | select name -expand emailAddresses | where {$_.smtpAddress -match "*EmailAddressToSearchFor*"} | Format-Table name, smtpaddress

Credit goes to Fulgan @ ArsTechnia for the post here.

Enable Versioning On Entire SharePoint 2013 Application

For some reason, probably money, you can’t use a proper backup solution for your farm. So you want to use versioning as a cheap mans backup.

Going through every document library in every site in every site collection in every application to enable versioning isn’t possible. And there is no way to specify in Central Administration or declare a policy to enforce this.

This powershell script will do the trick for you. It’s written to enabling versioning for an entire web application (with easy alteration it can be scoped to a specific site/site collection). What’s neat about this is that it will not change settings on the document libraries that already have it enabled! It will not enable minor versioning, but you can just enable that if you want.

As always, use on your own risk and test in a test environment first and then scope it to a test site collection in production farm!!

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$site = get-spsite -Limit All -WebApplication $WebApp
foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)
    Write-Host "Inspecting " $web.Title
    foreach ($list in $web.Lists)
        if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
            $liburl = $webapp + $list.DefaultViewUrl
            Write-Host "Library: " $liburl
            Write-Host "Versioning enabled: " $list.EnableVersioning
            Write-Host "MinorVersioning Enabled: " $list.EnableMinorVersions
            Write-Host "EnableModeration: " $list.EnableModeration
            Write-Host "Major Versions: " $list.MajorVersionLimit
            Write-Host "Minor Versions: " $list.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit
                $list.EnableVersioning = $true
                $list.EnableMinorVersions = $false     # Set this to true if you want to enable minor versioning
                #$list.MajorVersionLimit = 10          # Remove comment hashtag and set this to the max amount of major versions you want
                #$list.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = 5 # Remove comment hashtag and set this to the max amount of minor versions you want

Credit goes to Amrita Talreja @ HCL for this post which is the basis for this Powershell script.