Women Are Impossible!

The dating life goes on. This week something really funny but kinda sad happened! A few weeks ago I’d started talking to this really nice and funny woman and when we agreed to go out it was bad timing since she was just leaving for a 2 week skitrip. But that was good since it gave me “2 weeks to plan the perfect date” (quoting her!). And being the practical man I am I got right in there trying to sort as much as possible in case she was serious about that, including looking up where she lived to try and find some good place in that region of town. Then she came back and thank god she was only joking about that. We went out on tuesday and she was certainly one of the cutest girls I’ve ever met! And over the appx. 80 minute long “talking over coffee” date we had I of course mentioned that to her when explaining what a “obsessed with the small practical things” kinda guy I am I mentioned that and she seemed to laugh it off. We had a good date I thought and she said she had fun so we hugged off on the station and went our seperate ways. Today I got the verdict. I shouldn’t have checked up where she lived and I shouldn’t have mentioned it cause that was NOT popular. Quite the opposite. So that’s off because of a small little thing like that. *sigh*

Update: Yes I should have asked her, and the fact is I did in an e-mail I sent and hoped she would reply to before she went away for 2 weeks, but I guess that was too long. And yes I should have asked her when we met but I already knew so faking not knowing goes against my honesty thing I got going. Anything else?

That Time Of The Year

So it’s that time of the year that everyone gets the flu or something. That’s actually one of the few times I like being single and not having kids, I usually miss it. But after sitting next to a guy at work that’s been sick for 2 weeks it eventually hit me. So yesterday I was out cold with fever and everything. Today is a bit better but still not ok. I hate getting these things when you’re not feeling ok but not bad enough to justify not going to work. ‘Cause it takes more than this to make me stay home, I’m the guy who’ll go to africa when I’m feeling a bit sick 🙂

Movies, Movies And Even More Movies

I dunno why, but I can’t get the song “Living Darfu” out of my head!

But I’ve seen alot of movies recently:
“AvP2” was really good, way better than the first, alot of slaughter!
“Sicko” was pretty interesting to see how bad it is over there according to Michael Moore.
“Oceans 13″… better than 12 but not as good as 11. Pretty funny to see the 3 machoest guys (Clooney, Pitt and Damon) crying on Oprah 🙂 And Ellen Barkin is always good!
Biggest surprise was actually “Shoot ’em Up”, hilarious movie! I love movies that don’t take themselves too seriously and this one surely didn’t, and it was fun. And I like Monica Belucci.
“The Kingdom” was better than I thought it was gonna be, but being a Chris Cooper & Jason Bateman fan I had to see it and was pleasently surprised. It summed up the problem pretty nicely in the last scene – when an american FBI agent says “we’ll kill ’em all!” it’s cool. When a 11 year old arab boy who’s father was killed by said FBI agent and says the exact same thing it’s scary.

And then there was “Arn”. One of swedens best authors wrote a few books about a swedish temple knight, his childhood, his love and his time in the holy land, and the books were very succesful. So they got alooooot of money and investments into a big movie and it premiered a few weeks ago and I saw it this weekend. 2 1/2 hours of complete and utter trash! The only interesting part was his time in israel, the rest was complete trash. The romance story was pathetic, the dialogue was worse than “Star Wars Episode III” (and that was bad!), and the acting… I know the guy was supposed to have a shitty life and they really got an actor that got that “someone shit in my cereal” look on his face. I dunno what it is about swedish movies but they just can’t pull off some stuff. But I guess it’s unpatriotic to not see it. But seriously, when has patriotism ever been good… (says the man jumping out of his seat screaming of joy when sweden equalized in the junior ice hockey world championship against Canada… too bad they lost in the end)

You Know Things Are Good When …

I saw AvP2 yesterday. Pretty damn good flic!! I just had to open with that so I can make the following argument without being a hipocrite:

But you know things are good when the two biggest newspapers lead story today is Britney Spears was admitted to a hospital yesterday. I mean, that must mean there’s nothing more important going on anywhere that we need to report on? No weather abnomolies, no pre-primary presidential preparation election in the US (that the third biggest newspaper was leading with), no revolution in Kenya, no snowstorm in Stockholm, nope, Britney got admitted to hospital, that’s really everything.

That Didn’t Go As Planned

How’s 2008 going so far? For me it’s… well, still to be decided. On the downside we have
1) Warcraft guild breaking down again (which ironically would actually be good for me)
2) Alot of TV shows are starting their last seasons
3) Our trekking saturdays is probably gonna be a thing of the past due to low attendance.

So that should make me atleast a little bit depressed? Well, I ain’t. Cause today I woke up and witnessed a snowstorm outside and said to myself “it’ll be a miracle if the trains are on time today”…. but they were! So at 8 am I sat down in my warm comfy chair with a warm cup of tea and enjoyed the snowstorm in Kungsan. That felt good. Then I got a cute e-mail from a cute woman I’m hoping to get a date with any day now, but ironically enough she’s off to switzerland to ski over the weekend so that’ll have to wait. Which is why I can’t really say if 2008 is off to a good or bad start yet.

But tonight… Alien vs. Predator 2! Yeah, I’m actually going to the movies!!

So What’s In Store For 2008!?

 Happy new year everyone!

I spent another new years eve in the calm comforting company of my family, enjoying a nice dinner, some beer, alot of “remember when…” discussions and a visit from their neighbors to talk even more trash and toast in the new year. Pretty sweet.

Now if you know me well enough you’ll know I’m all about moments. ‘Cause what you remember in life aren’t an entire sequenze of events like a video, but more moments like still pictures. And I’m trying to maximize those moments as well as I can.

So on the question of what the best moment of 2007 was I’d say “that perfect moment kissing Nina back in May”. Ironically the answer to what was the worst moment of 2007 is “when she threw me out 10 seconds later for no reason”. Which pretty much sums up the entire relationship – heaven and hell.

So let’s hope 2008 can top that… or better yet, let’s make damn sure it tops that!