You win some you lose some

After this disaster with the woman at work I really needed some cheering up and fate deliverd! We were having a conference/kick-off for everyine in the IT departments of all offices and we had some of these abstract project of how to improve our routines and the way we work. You know how I feel about abstract shit like that, and it’s not like we’re stressed out. And one of the consultants that was gonna start a speech opened up by asking “which one of you is Kristoffer?”, and I’m like “shit what did I do now” and then he says “my girlfriend anna says hi”. Anna is a childhood friend of mine, my parents and hers have been really tight. But when we hit our 20’s we kinda lost touch with each other. I haven’t seen her in ages and haven’t even spoken to her in over a year. But now she has my number and we will certainly meet up and catch up!

Now I don’t know how I feel anymore…

On monday I was very bummed out over her reaction and giving me more shit than I’ve taken from even my ex girlfriends and yesterday I was pretty depressed too. But now I’m more on the “angry and disappointed” side of things. I’ve gone through the entire thing a gazillion times and I still don’t know where I went wrong. She was the one that opened the door to her private life, she was the one calling me and talking about stuff (ok, granted I do work in the helpdesk so ofcourse  she’s doing the calling). The only thing I may have missed was that she wanted to close that door, never picked up any vibes like that but that’s apparently the case. So for now I’m writing this off as misunderstanding and going with another classic quote from Dante – “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”…

And then I went down to one of our newest lawyers and after clearing up her mailproblems quietly said to myself “women are still the most amazing thing in the world!”…

And now I’m totally depressed!

Remember a few months ago when I mentioned I had gotten into a moral dilemma – I had, through no fault of my own, gotten information about someone I care about not being that happy where she is. I eventually decided that if she wants to talk about it I’ll let her, but I won’t bring it up.

And last week it happened again – I accidentally saw a private message to her that kinda hinted that she was now really, really depressed at work and was even considering applying for a new job. Same moral dilemma, but with one difference – her boyfriend is overseas for a year. So I offered my shoulder to cry on, and thereby admitting I had seeen this… and she freaked. I mean _freaked_! Not only was she pissed off at the fact that I knew this but also because this was none of my business. Under normal circumstances she’d be right… but in this case she was the one that opened up her private life to me when she was heartbroken when her ex had cheated on her and the hell she was going through. Back then I offered my shoulder to cry on and that worked out well because 2 months later they were back together. But this time she went ballistic and the only thing I see I did wrong here was that I cared. Even efter she said no to going out with me and even after they got back together I still cared. It even got so bad she told me never to talk to her again, which makes it really hard to explain myself.

Which only proves an old saying – nice guys do finish last. Maybe if I wasn’t such a nice guy, maybe if I had cheated on her and moved overseas for my careers sake, maybe then I’d be the kinda guy that gets a woman like that.

This is enough to make me depressed for a very very long time. I just hope it blows over, but I seriously doubt it..

I Don’t Want Your Newspaper

You know what’s really starting to bug me – the people standing at the exits of the trainstations trying to give you a magazine (in stockholm it’s Metro or City). I mean if they were just there trying to give it to you that’s one thing but they’ve gotten more and more agressive. And one or two wouldn’t be bad but I pass 6-7 or sometimes 9 of these on my way to work every morning. And the most annoying thing is… I’ve already read it on the train!! I’m gonna go ahead and get some t-shirts printed up with a “I don’t want your Metro or City!” and give away on the trains…

Things are good when that’s the extent of your problems…

Election Time Again

So today it was election in sweden. Again. For the past elections I haven’t really known what to vote for, and me almost being unemployed last year with all the emotional stress that causes it was even harder this year. It seems that if you have a job and everything is ok, then blue is the way to go. But if you’re knocked down for some reason, the reds are good…

So I ended up voting for the tree-huggers…

The Eleventh Again?

On monday it was september 11th again. I almost missed it had it not been for every media pointing it out. If you look at it objectively there’s no real reason why the entire world should feel so much about an event like that. But somehow we do. On CNN they had a brutal special feature – you could download 2 hour CNN coverage from 8:50 to 10:50 “as it happened”. That was scary!!

And the day after, what does TV4 do? Show “Airplane” with the wonderful line “They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting themselves into!”… nice timing…

True Story!

Yesterday I had decided to buy a new cell phone. I did my homework and decided to buy a Ericsson Z550i. I checked up where I could buy them pretty cheap and also had them in stock NOW! ANd that was Elgiganten, one of our biggest electonics warehouses. When I got there they didn’t have any in the display shelf so I had to take a number for the information desk dealing with phones. After waiting 15 minutes it was my turn and the guy told me “they are so new we don’t have them on display yet!”, then he punched in some stuff on the computer and gave me a postit with a number on it. “Go to the cashier and give her this number”. Ok, so I did, and you guessed it – take a number. After only 10 minutes of waiting it was my turn, gave her the note, she punched the computer a bit, charged my credit card and gave me a receipt and said “ok, go over there, that’s where they have the actual product!”. So I went over there and… yeap, take a number. 15 minuters after that I had my phone.
Should it really take 45 minute to go to a huge store like this to buy a phone when you know exactly what phone you want and you know they have it in stock?… or am I just a bit too much of a perfectionist for this?

Btw, tribute to Steve Irwin.

No More "Crikey"?

Came to work and hit the favorite icon for CNN and look at that, Steve Irwin killed in action. I think that’s a big loss to the world actually, you may dislike his way of presenting his shows but he certainly made alot of people (especially kids) watch nature shows with a bit of interest. Really sad to hear that and I wasn’t even a big fan…

Election Year… Really?

Apparently it’s election year this year. I’d almost missed it, cause I’m used to it being 10 times more obvious and more posters and stuff everywhere you go and everything you read, but it’s been pretty slow so far this year. But the ones who I think have the best ones yet is our environmental party. Their entire PR campaign is just irony and sarcasm. “Nudles are still cheap, so we don’t need to raise the financial support for students”, “I’m not hooked on oil, I can quit whenever I want”, “All love is good – as long as they don’t wanna get married!” and then there’s one regarding our policy with refugees but that’s lost in the translation I’m afraid…